BC has a strong network of self advocacy leaders working across the province to promote equality and full inclusion for all people with diverse abilities. Many folks have also become mentors for others, helping them to recognize their strengths, learn new things and get connected in their community. There are a handful of Community Living agencies around BC that have realized the importance of this leadership and have created a paid position known as the Self Advocate Liaison or Peer Advisor.
Although job descriptions vary from community to community, Self Advocate Liaisons share goals in making sure people who live with the label of a developmental disability understand their rights and have access to important information, respectful supports and community connections.
If you would like to learn more about the role or to get in touch with a Self Advocate Liaison please contact one of the following leaders:
Shawn Spear is a Self Advocate Liaison and works at Milieu Family Services in Surrey: spspear81@gmail.com
Shelley DeCoste works as a Self Advocate Liaison for Pathways in Kelowna: diversability1@gmail.com
Penny Soderena-Sutton is a Self Advocate Peer Advisor at AimHi in Prince George:penny.soderena-sutton@aimhi.ca