Hi , I am Bryce Schaufelberger. For over 2 decades now I have been dedicated to making sure Self Advocates have a voice. Do a Google search on Self Advocate and you will see our site as #1 on Google. We have the largest by far and the most informative Self Advocacy site. We have a lot of support. We hope as a sponsor you are proud of what you have helped us achieve. Many thanks for your generous support.
Valuable Resource
The SA site is the largest site on the web and one of the earliest to go up. It has a large historical archive of local SA events and stories.
User Run
The site is created by Self Advocates for Self Advocates with the input and stories from Self Advocates and about Self Advocates. And site is user friendly
Stories and Video
The site pays $100.00 for stories and video and Bryce and CLBC Editorial Board encourages a wide variety of material
World Wide Web
Self Advocates across the world see the site as a model for their own sites and the content appears on many sites and facebook pages.
Local Support
The SA website encourages Self Advocates in their local communities to have a local website and can assist in the development process.
Tools of the Trade
We can provide tutorials, assistance with domains and server space. We even provide refurbished computers and backup support.
Become a Gold, Silver or Copper Sponsor
Contact me
Please send your cheque donation to our office Address it is 33140 Mill Lake Rd, Abbotsford, BC V2S 2A5
We now except cheques now and no more e transfers as of now through The Home Society thankyou for your generosity amount is 1.000 a year