speakersbureau-banner Background:

  • Self Advocacy is a rights movement made up of people who have been labelled as having a developmental disability.
  • Self advocate leaders all over the world are speaking up for their right to be treated with respect and to be included as full citizens in their communities.
  • Leaders from the BC Self Advocacy community have created a Speaker’s Bureau so their stories and expertise can be shared with decision makers, service providers and the community at large.

Why a Speakers’ Bureau? 

  • Sharing stories and experiences helps people to understand others.
  • There are many people with a story to share that will help others think and act differently toward people with diverse abilities.
  • When we have a chance to share about something that is important to us we often challenge stereotypes and change attitudes.
  • When people with diverse abilities are seen as experts of their own life and experiences they will be treated with respect and have more opportunities as full citizens.

What do speakers present about? 

Speakers present on topics that they are passionate about and that have the potential to increase opportunities and quality of life for people with diverse abilities.  For example:

  • Employment success stories
  • How people with diverse abilities want to be treated
  • Advice on how to support people with dignity and respect
  • Principles of Self Advocacy
  • Sensitivity training for professionals

Who do speakers present to?

Speaker’s are interested in presenting to audiences that have the potential to learn and be inspired to make a positive change. This change would create more inclusive, respectful communities, particularly for all. Potential audiences include:

  • Government staff
  • Health professionals
  • Service providers
  • Employers
  • Schools
  • City leaders
  • Transit
  • Self advocacy groups